
流線形 Steamlined form

每次攞起舊原礦打磨時, 都不外乎是按原形再磨滑, 儘量唔想浪費每一kg. 不過就被侷限咗, 有時都會幾乏味. 漸漸借助不同的工具, 終於摸索到一些有趣的打磨技考. 件尖尖的老鼠又像鼻子的東面是最先的成品, 但好像缺少了甚麽似的, 最後過了2、3個月, 終於用silver clay 造了個底盆及脚, 似返[一件東西]!

I always polish the amber according the oroginal form, try to keep the weight as more as I could. But it is very dull & limited on the creative work. Then I use some tools when hand polishing, & found out how to polished  into different steamlined forms. That [nose] form amber is the earliest one made, but it looks like an unfinished artwork. 2,3 months later, I'd added legs on it with silver clay. Now, it looks better!

沙勞越珀 Sarawak amber


Sarawak 呢個名對我好似好親密, 因為自己去過Sarawak好幾個地方, 尤其是Kuching (Cat City).
呢舊沙勞越珀己經擁有一段時間了, 久不久会攞出來抛光一吓. 同其他的婆羅乃珀不同的是比較硬, 密度高, 實色及內有很多颗粒晶體. 打磨時也同樣有幽幽的珀香. 我將佢一半打磨光滑、一半保持原狀的粗粒. 完成後還有137g. 紫外光燈下、琥珀營光班點班點的呈現.

It is Sarawak amber. May be they are produced in Sarawak region. In fact it is very difference from Borneo amber. It is harder than Borneo one, they mixed with light yellow particles & the surface is very rough. I'd like to keep those interesting surface that just polished half end. camouflage appearance of amber fluorescent color could be seem under UV light. After polished, it's weight is 137g.

薄片!! chip pendant

在之前的多明尼加珀中有一片深黃透明的小碎片, 兩面是自然脱落的, 非開料後的剩件. 厚度由2mm - 1mm. 約3.5cm x 1.5cm. 但卻像玻璃般堅硬筆直. 沒有任何雜點. 如果多一片則可當耳環了.想着想着......最後決定用1mm的半圓柱狀銀線包架. 效果也不錯! 可愛! 又一[的式]作品!

It is a tiny chip from the recent lot of  Dominica amber. Really tiny that don't know how to use it. The size is approx. 3.5cm x 1.5cm, from 1mm - 2mm thick. The color is very harmony & harden as glass. Finally I framed it with the half rounded silver wire. A simple, tiny, mini pendant is done! If there were 2 pieces, it could be made as a pair of earring.