
沙勞越珀 Sarawak amber


Sarawak 呢個名對我好似好親密, 因為自己去過Sarawak好幾個地方, 尤其是Kuching (Cat City).
呢舊沙勞越珀己經擁有一段時間了, 久不久会攞出來抛光一吓. 同其他的婆羅乃珀不同的是比較硬, 密度高, 實色及內有很多颗粒晶體. 打磨時也同樣有幽幽的珀香. 我將佢一半打磨光滑、一半保持原狀的粗粒. 完成後還有137g. 紫外光燈下、琥珀營光班點班點的呈現.

It is Sarawak amber. May be they are produced in Sarawak region. In fact it is very difference from Borneo amber. It is harder than Borneo one, they mixed with light yellow particles & the surface is very rough. I'd like to keep those interesting surface that just polished half end. camouflage appearance of amber fluorescent color could be seem under UV light. After polished, it's weight is 137g.

1 則留言:

  1. It is very big! This amber actually mined from the Merit-Pila coal mine near the Kapit-Belaga district in Sarawak.
