
多明尼加珀 Dominica amber

這是我首次購入的多明尼加珀, 如圖所見, 只是一批碎原礦. 收到時心情十分輕奮, 當然知道並非藍、綠珀, 但每一件也仔細用電筒檢閱. 很心急的第一時間揀了件金黃及Cognac色的來打磨. 硬度及色的純度很滿意, 雖然細細件, 但不易脆, 很好磨、易拋光。

Just bought a lot of Dominica amber chips. Surely it’s not blue or green one, only golden color & some are in cognac. It is my first lot of Dominica amber. I found  it is harder than Baltic’s one. I picked one golden & one cognac, polished it immed. I like the rectangle's cognac color. It looks like a sepia crystal, really lovely.




